Mobile Phones Recording (MiFID…regulations)

Facilitating economic growth and cooperation among European states has been a goal of the European Union, but ensuring a regulatory framework is also needed to address the complex market reality.

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, reminds firms of the MiFID II requirements in this area. Firms are expected to deploy all possible efforts to ensure that recording of telephone conversations is always available.

In general, there are three main reasons for imposing a recording requirement on communications related to transactions:

a) To ensure evidence is important to resolve disputes between firms and clients
b) To assist those entitled to supervise code of conduct adherence within the firm
c) To help deter market abuse through enhanced detection.

Inbound & Outbound Mobile Recording


Digital Pegasus, in response to this Directive, is a robust solution to satisfy the corporate requirements, but it is also flexible enough to conform to any custom needs. Digital Pegasus is able to leverage the existing recordings solution of telephone conversations to save investment of the firms.

The reasons to adopt the Digital Pegasus Mobile Recording :

APP-Based Recording
Our approach is ideal for firms embracing or planning to move to a BYOD policy, our app-based mobile call recording solutions are carrier-neutral, working on any network.

Business as usual
No change in the user experience since Digital Pegasus delivers an unchanged global user experience. The recording is managed by your corporate solution or by Digital Pegasus itself.

Firms Protection
Firms often try to rule by policy, and the mobile communication should be no different. Mobile devices provided by the firm must enable the greatest level of control and oversight. Digital Pegasus monitors mobile devices, granting the adherence of company policies and procedures in order to attributed to an individual actor any clear breach of the rules.

Multiple Channels Recording
Whether internal or external, inbound or outbound, pre-, during- or post-trade, front- or back office, fixed or mobile – Digital Pegasus captures and manages the full spectrum of communications, which means lower cost of ownership and streamlined investigations.