Digital Pegasus… your Digital Enhancer

… your scalable, flexible and reliable Solution

Customer experience can be defined as the quality of all of a consumer’s encounters with a company’s products, services, and brand.

Many companies struggle to identify a plan of action to achieve business since now this is not achievable only with traditional ways. Leaders can reach these goals if they focus on something more specific: the Digital Customer eXperience.

The Digital Customer eXperience is the sum of all digital interactions between a customer and a company. To avoid frustrating customers, diminishing their lifetime value, or driving them to competitors due to poor digital experiences, businesses should focus on an effective digital experience strategy.

Bad user experience has a profound effect on customer lifetime value viceversa an excellent user experience is your greatest competitive differentiator in the digital age. Organisations today must find a way to create emotional connections with their users on their mobile devices, let their customers provide feedback, and respond to those issues.

When building out a CX program, the customer journey is critical and must include the key moments of consumer interaction that shape brand perception and loyalty. Many of these key moments of truth today are happening online … Digital ! … and of course Digital also means more often mobile.

That’s why today improving a digital customer experience is fundamental for a digital business success and a mobile-first mindset as part of your CX program design and management is more important than ever.

Digital Pegasus helps organisations to look at the digital experience made up of many different journeys that are able to determine an overall positive customer experience.

That’s the reason why adopting Digital Pegasus an organization could:

  • Tune the Performance based on real user experience and digital-business outcomes
  • Optimize every single customer journey with actionable insights
  • Achieve a better collaboration between business development and operations
  • Achieve an integrated view of the user experience across all mobile and web applications
  • Monitor Full application stack monitoring including backend services